Clean Air Smog
Clean Air Smog Test Station, San Francisco
Clean Air Smog, a Star Certified smog test only station, occupies a 2,400 sq. ft. building on 11th Street between South of Market Street and the Mission District. The building has great visibility and signage and prominent exposure to the nearby Costco. The business has been established for over twenty years and its current owners have been there for eleven. The shop features a drive-thru service bay with a waiting room, an in-ground dyno and smog machine. It is operated by two working owners without other techs. Clean Air Smog is currently only open the limited hours of 10:00 to 3:30 Monday to Friday and Saturdays 10:00 to 2:00. A new owner could increase revenue by expanding the hours, advertising and adding smog repairs.
The information was provided by the Seller of the business and independently verified by the Buyer. The subject business has been sold and is currently off the market. If you’re interested in selling your business, Bay Area Business Brokers is ready to help. We offer complimentary consultation and valuation.
Please let us know if you have any questions. You can reach us at (408) 246-3846 or babizbkr@gmail.com. We have been matching buyers and sellers since 1981. To view our current listings, please visit https://bayareabizbrokers.com/businesses-for-sale/.