Glo Tanning Studio
Highly Rated Tanning Studio in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County
Glo Tanning Studio is a long-established and highly rated tanning studio that provides the ultimate tanning experience to clients from Contra Costa and Alameda counties. The business was voted Best of the Bay Area by a San Francisco newspaper. It is located in a popular high-traffic center with easy access from the freeway and residential areas. Its state-of-the-art tanning equipment features 5 beds that include Inspiration™, Open Sun™, Passion™, and Super Cyclone™ models. The business also provides Mystic™ automated spray tanning to help their clients look their best for every occasion. Each spacious tanning room is private and ventilated and includes towel service and protective eyewear. The experienced and friendly staff cleans and sanitizes the high-tech equipment and rooms after every use. Memberships are available and walk-ins are welcome. This turnkey business is semi-absentee and ready for a new owner. The current owner is returning to his previous career.
The information was provided by the Seller of the business and independently verified by the Buyer. The subject business has been sold and is currently off the market. If you’re interested in selling your business, Bay Area Business Brokers is ready to help. We offer free consultation and valuation.
Please let us know if you have any questions. You can reach us at (408) 246-3846 or babizbkr@gmail.com. We have been matching buyers and sellers since 1981. To view our current listings, please visit https://bayareabizbrokers.com/businesses-for-sale/.