Advanced Auto Electric & Air Conditioning
Auto Repair Shop in San Ramon, Contra Costa County
Advanced Auto Electric and Air Conditioning is in an auto center on San Ramon Valley Boulevard, just south of Danville. The business has been established for thirty years; the current owner acquired it in 2010. Advanced Auto specializes in air conditioning and electrical repairs for domestic and Asian cars. It gets quite a bit of air conditioning work in the summer months. In the twelve years the owner has been there the business has developed a loyal following and has a five-star yelp rating.
The business shares its website with Advanced Auto Electric & Air Conditioning of Livermore. The two shops have separate ownership and no connection with each other except for the website they share to save on advertising costs.
The business has a good equipment package including three Rotary lifts and two air conditioning machines. There are three parts stores less than a mile away from the shop, so the owner doesn’t have to tie up much money in inventory. The business is currently run by the owner and one employee who may stay with the business.
The owner has purchased a home in Wisconsin and is motivated to sell and has agreed to carry a note for almost half of the asking price for a qualified buyer. This could be a great opportunity for someone wanting to get their own shop.
The information was provided by the Seller of the business and independently verified by the Buyer. The subject business has been sold and is currently off the market. If you’re interested in selling your business, Bay Area Business Brokers is ready to help. We offer complimentary consultation and valuation.
Please let us know if you have any questions. You can reach us at (408) 246-3846 or We have been matching buyers and sellers since 1981. To view our current listings, please visit